Google Seeks Out the Pros For Their Newest Wearable Tech


Whether you're always on time or fashionably late, you might actually want to buy this watch (despite another product that still has design issues, ahem). Google has finally taken the first step in making their newest wearable tech, the Google Watch actually attractive and obviously learned from Google Glass.  

Photos: CDFA

It's a known fact that wearable tech is new to the fashion world.  Despite the rising amount of fashion collabs this year, we're actually really excited about CDFA (specifically Lulu Frost and Cynthia Rowley) and Google Android.       

Lulu Frost's design has more detailing in terms of digits as Cynthia Rowley focuses more on floral motifs.

Marlon Taylor-Wiles the co-creator of George Frost, the sister (or brother in this case) line of Lisa Salzer (creator of Lulu Frost) was also asked to design for the watch.  

We didn't leave you out, boys.

The designers all told CDFA on a blog post that they weren't exactly familiar with the Google Watch, but are "really excited about getting one" especially with the redesigns, obviously.  "[I don't have one] yet but now we are going to start, my favorite feature is the falling Lulu Frost digits," Saltzer told CDFA.  Let's face it, it's the tech watch of our dreams.  

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