Style Meets Technology (finally)


There are alot of random posts that pop up on my facebook feed all of the time and I usually roll right over them and don't think anything about it.  This time I had to stop.  I seriously could not believe this not only because I had never heard of it but more so because I didn't know my technology could now match what I'm wearing.  Seriously, someone was thinking for this one.

Photos: Ringly
Ringly is a company that makes smart jewelry that literally flashes and vibrates depending on the types of updates (that normally notify you on your phone) you receive and want to know about.  All you have to do is download the app that is available to both iphone and android, customize it and connect it to your phone.  Done.

Here's the fall lineup:



(Emerald is already sold out)

Ringly is currently offering a 25% discount to all new supporters (I'm sure for a limited time), so snatch them up here before they're all gone, ladies!  I just snatched one up and be sure to keep a look for a product review in the Fall! 

Video: Ringly and YouTube


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