Abercrombie & Fitch's Black (and White) Collection


As an ex-employee of this company, I am fully aware of the state of affairs that this company has fallen into since it's fashionable reign back in 2005.  I completely understand being from on top of the world one moment and the next, the complete opposite.  I get it.  The key is to go with the flow, and Jeffries the prior CEO of the Abercrombie mecca, had to learn this the hard way.  

You're probably wondering "Ok black. This isn't a new concept. So, what's the big deal?", well I'll tell you.  Black (and purple) are both kind of a big deal when it comes to Abercrombie because they apparently didn't exist in Jeffries's color wheel (or hue wheel).  He hated black and purple, they just weren't cool colors.  I find it interesting what changes took place immediately after his reign ended as CEO, one of which was the color black and it's place this season.




$34.80 (was $58)

Of course, with everything A&F there will always be grey and they've snuck that in the black collection as well but it's not half bad.  Their graphic tanks up until this point never really seemed to attract me (but they do have a fan base) but these are definitely going in the right step.  Also if you haven't noticed, the moose logo isn't everywhere.   

$20 (was $28)

$20 (was $28)

I also found it interesting that black made it's way to accessories and that accessories expanded beyond bracelets, belts, flip flops and scarves.

Quilted Crossbody Bag (Flagship exclusive)

That's right, we have handbags now ladies!  I remember the seasonal totes, but always wondered why there was never a nice (at least leather) handbag.  


I remember reading a while back that they had some collaborations in the works, and honestly I'm glad to see that this has happened and it happened so soon.  Superga is a basic sneaker, but they wear well and I've used them often to complete a look.

Lastly, let's talk about the visual changes to the company.  I've passed by a few Abercrombie stores since Jefferies left the company and the stores do seem to be a little different.  It's actually brighter in the stores (bye bye shutters, hello sunlight), the air isn't heavily sprayed as before, and there are actual forms in the windows (or at least you can see them now).  These changes might sound slight, but they go miles.  Also, what happened to all of those NSFW posters of teens plastered everywhere around the store?  That's right, their models wear their merchandise as clothes now and they look amazing (and their store models are alot nicer now too).  So basically, when you shop you will be able to shop and acually enjoy all of the hard work the company puts forth.   

I know A&F has gotten some serious bad talk lately, but honestly I think they are going in a much needed and deserved better direction now (no offense, Jeffries).  I always feel bad when a company (especially when I work/worked for them) are starting to decline based on a single, stubborn decision which is to avoid the change all around you.  It happens all the time to companies and they all reach the same crossroads at some time or another, the outcome is what makes all the difference.  In essence, as an ex-employee of the company, I kind of feel like I had an insider look, and I honestly feel that this company is on the mend.  With that in mind, do you as a consumer think that the changes made to the company are too late?  Only time can tell, and we are all of course waiting to see what happens.


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